[04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] New trace stream is D:\progs\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\trace\svr_3424.trc [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] New trace level is 6 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] Attempted load of system pfile source D:\progs\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\admin\sqlnet.ora [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] Parameter source loaded successfully [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW <- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:858] Successful parameter table load [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS <- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] TNSPING.TRACE_LEVEL = admin [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] TRACE_LEVEL_SERVER = admin [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = admin [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] TRACE_TIMESTAMP_SERVER = true [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] TRACE_TIMESTAMP_CLIENT = true [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] Log stream will be "D:\progs\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\log\sqlnet.log" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] Log stream validation not requested [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS --- [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nlstdipi: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nlstdipi: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nagblini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nau_gin: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nau_gparams: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_required" from parameter file [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gbp: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nau_gparams: Using default value "FALSE" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nau_gslf: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gic: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "sqlnet.authentication_services" parameter [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gic: Found 1 items [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gic: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_services" from parameter file [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nam_gnsp: Found value "NTS" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nauss_set_state: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:859] nauss_set_state: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:860] nau_gslf: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:860] nau_gparams: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:860] nau_gin: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:860] nagblini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nigini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 2 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nrigbi: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nrigbni: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nrigbni: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nrigbi: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] nigini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring. [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] niotns: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] niotns: Enabling CTO, value=60000 (milliseconds) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] niotns: Not enabling dead connection detection. [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:867] niotns: listener bequeathed shadow coming to life... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] nsc2addr: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] nlpcaini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] nlpcaini: No process parameters set [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] nlpcaini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] nsinherit: connecting... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] ntpcon: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] ntpcon: toc = 6 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] ntpcon: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] ntpcon: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] ntpcon: toc = 4 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:868] sntpinherit: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Attempting to make pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTPE70.D60.w [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Listening on pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTPE70.D60.w [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Attempting to make pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTPE70.D60 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Listening on pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTPE70.D60 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Successfully established pipe 228 to parent. [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: Successfully established pipe 1636 to parent. [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] sntpinherit: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] ntpcon: NT layer IPC connection has been established. [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] ntpcon: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:869] nsinherit: doing connect handshake... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: Attempting to read 4 bytes from handle 228 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: ReadFile returned 4 bytes [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: rc = 0, ntresnt[0] = 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: Attempting to read 63 bytes from handle 228 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: ReadFile returned 63 bytes [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: rc = 0, ntresnt[0] = 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsinh_hoff: ADR="(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=232)(HOST=" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: Attempting to read 8 bytes from handle 228 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: ReadFile returned 8 bytes [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: rc = 0, ntresnt[0] = 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] sntpread: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] ntprd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsinh_hoff: bufl=1025 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsmal: 736 bytes at 0x4b3d6e8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0x4b3d9d8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x4b0ff50 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nsopen: opening transport... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nttcon: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nttcon: toc = 6 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nttcnp: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:870] nttcnp: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nttcon: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsopen: transport is open [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x0, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x0, gbl[0]=0x7abf, gbl[1]=0x0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x0, gbl[0]=0x7abf, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=32767, sdu=2048 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsmfr: 1644 bytes at 0x4b3d9d8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsmfr: 736 bytes at 0x4b3d6e8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsinh_hoff: hoff=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] ntpwr: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] sntpwrite: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] sntpwrite: Attempting to write 4 bytes to handle 1636 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] sntpwrite: WriteFile returned 4 bytes [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] sntpwrite: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] ntpwr: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsinh_hoff: handshake is complete [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nsc2addr: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=232)(HOST= [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nttbnd2addr: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address: [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:871] nttbnd2addr: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nsinh_hoff: inheriting the connection... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nsmal: 736 bytes at 0x4b3d6e8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0x4b3d9d8 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nstoSetupTimeout: ATO enabled for ctx=0x04B3D6E8, val=60000(millisecs) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nstoUpdateActive: Active timeout is 0 (see nstotyp) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nsopen: opening transport... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcon: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcon: toc = 6 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcnp: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcnp: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcon: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcon: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcon: toc = 4 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:872] nttcnp: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nttcnp: getting sockname [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nttcnp: getting peername [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nttcnp: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nttcon: set TCP_NODELAY on 232 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nttcon: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nsopen: transport is open [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x10000000, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x10000000, gbl[0]=0x7abf, gbl[1]=0x0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nstoArmAlarmATO: ATO enabled for ctx=0x04B3D6E8, val=60000(millisecs) [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nsnainit: inherit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nainit: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nagblini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nagblini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] na_saveprot: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] na_saveprot: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nacomin: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nas_init: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nas_init: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_ini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nauss_set_state: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nauss_set_state: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_gettab: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_gettab: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_sini: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_sini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nau_ini: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] naeeinit: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.FIPS_140" from parameter file [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nam_gbp: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER" from parameter file [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:873] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER" parameter [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naeshow: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naeshow: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naeeinit: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naecinit: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_SERVER" from parameter file [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_SERVER" parameter [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: Parameter not found [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nam_gic: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms" [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naeshow: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naeshow: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] naecinit: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nainit: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nagetctxinfo: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nagetctxinfo: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsnainit: NS Connection version: 313 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsnainit: inf->nsinfflg[0]: 0x61 inf->nsinfflg[1]: 0x61 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow: native service(s) is (are) wanted [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow: native service(s) is (are) wanted "and" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow: native service(s) is (are) wanted [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsopen: global context check-in (to slot 0) complete [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x10000000, gbl[0]=0x7abf, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=32767, sdu=2048 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x2 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsdo: nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4000, mvd=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x4b3f968 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x4b3f9cc [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] ntpwr: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] sntpwrite: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:874] sntpwrite: Attempting to write 4 bytes to handle 1636 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpwrite: WriteFile returned 4 bytes [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpwrite: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] ntpwr: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] ntpdisc: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpclose: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpclose: Closing pipe 228 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpclose: Closing pipe 1636 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] sntpclose: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] ntpdisc: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=68, *bl=2048, *what=8, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nsdo: nsctx: state=14, flg=0x4004, mvd=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011 [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nscon: doing connect handshake... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nscon: recving a packet [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nsprecv: reading from transport... [04-MAY-2012 21:44:16:875] nttrd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nttrd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nsinh_hoff: error recving request [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nttctl: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: soc 232 error - operation=7, ntresnt[0]=530, ntresnt[1]=38, ntresnt[2]=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nttctl: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: soc 232 error - operation=7, ntresnt[0]=530, ntresnt[1]=38, ntresnt[2]=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] ntt2err: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=98, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x40, cflgs=0x2 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:957] nsdo: nsctx: state=1, flg=0x4000, mvd=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nsclose: closing transport [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nttdisc: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nttdisc: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nadisc: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacomtm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacompd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacompd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacompd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacompd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nacomtm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nas_dis: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nas_dis: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nau_dis: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nau_dis: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] naeetrm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] naeetrm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] naectrm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] naectrm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nagbltrm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nagbltrm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nadisc: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nsmfr: 1644 bytes at 0x4b3d9d8 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nsmfr: 736 bytes at 0x4b3d6e8 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nserror: nsres: id=0, op=73, ns=12535, ns2=12606; nt[0]=0, nt[1]=0, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: error from nsinherit: failed... [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: ns main err code: 12535 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: ns (2) err code: 12606 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: nt main err code: 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: nt (2) err code: 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqper: nt OS err code: 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niotns: No broken-connection function available. [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niomapnserror: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niqme: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niqme: reporting NS-12535 error as ORA-12535 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niqme: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niomapnserror: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] niotns: Couldn't connect, returning 12170 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:958] nioqer: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nioqce: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nioqce: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nioqer: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] niotns: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0x4b3f968, data at 0x4b60030. [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0x4b3f9cc, data at 0x4b60858. [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0x4b0ff50, data at 0x4b3e150. [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 0 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nrigbd: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nrigbd: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:959] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 1 [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nagbltrm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nau_gtm: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nau_gtm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nagbltrm: exit [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nnfgdei: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nlse_term_audit: entry [04-MAY-2012 21:45:16:962] nlse_term_audit: exit